A story about a word that I don’t know the meaning – Labrose

I’ll just make a short story about Labrose and I want to incorporate it in a story during my highschool days.

The story is about my music teacher, Ms. Labrose. It was during our junior year in highschool when we had her as our teacher. From her we learned not only about notes or music, but also learned the basics of abstract.

It all started with this classroom activity wherein she instructed us to form a circle, but some of us didn’t obey and started chatting. So Ms. Labrose shouted, “FORM A STRAIGHT CIRCLE, RIGHT NOW!”. Most of my classmates, including me giggled while others laughed out loud. There was this one particular student she took notice. She asked if there’s something funny and if there’s a problem with what we are doing, but my classmate continued to laugh. Again Ms. Labrose shouted, “GO TO THE PRINCIPAL’S OFFICE TOMORROW, RIGHT NOW!”

After hearing those words, we were all quiet then participated in her activity. Of course, right after class we were all hysterical.

So what’s the meaning of Labrose, i’ll just google it first… labrose (LA-bros) adjective. Having thick or large lips.

Hahaha, it perfectly describes her for teaching us the art of abstraction. Just Kidding..

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